Easy Integrations, Trusted Governance, AI-Powered Insights

Scale marketing and drive ROI with Integrate, the premium cross-channel demand management platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams.

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AI Marketing Analytics to Accelerate Business Impact

Improve ROI with Performance Center: AI-powered insights into buying groups, media performance, and marketing’s pipeline impact.

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The Market is Unpredictable — Your Pipeline Can’t Be

Amplify your brand and demand with the Integrate Marketplace media solutions and beautifully orchestrated digital campaigns. Make the unpredictable predictable.

Discover Integrated Pipeline


In a complex B2B marketing landscape where tech budgets are scrutinized and teams are asked to do more with less, Integrate is your enterprise cross-channel demand management solution. Your team's force multiplier to:

  • Accelerate speed-to-business value through powerful integrations
  • Deliver 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance
  • Provide AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making

103% improvement in lead quality.

57% savings on digital media spend.

3000 marketing team hours saved.

Connect to End Lead Chaos

Easily connect your channels and down-funnel marketing technologies with bidirectional integrations and RESTful APIs to ease the complexities of managing modern buying journeys and efficiently deliver quality leads to your teams.

  • Simplify multi-channel lead intake.
  • Pass only clean, qualified data into down-funnel systems.
  • Enable closed-loop insights with bidirectional integrations.

Govern to Provide 100% Marketable Leads

Integrate’s data governance standardizes the data formatting, validates the lead information, and ensures compliance: the result is only 100% marketable leads get passed to your MAP or CRM.

  • Eliminate the time spent manually cleaning leads and the tech debt from bad data in your systems.
  • Protect media spend by rejecting unqualified leads.
  • Guard your brand and career from compliance complaints.

Measure to Make Genius Decisions

Leverage Integrate’s AI-powered insights to gauge media and cross-channel impact. Unify lead and account data with bidirectional connections to your MAP and CRM. Optimize buyer journeys and marketing programs with brilliant decisions.

  • Visualize buying group engagement.
  • Optimize performance with actionable insights and analytics.
  • Protect and defend media spend with clear savings and ROI.

Trusted by B2B Demand Marketers and Marketing Ops at the World’s Leading Brands


We've put multiple demand programs through Integrate and in doing so have validated and optimized our digital journey. Our objective from the start was to get clean and stay clean from that regard, ensuring what we pass over to our reps is 100% marketable and fully compliant, quality leads.

Matt Mullin

Sr. Director, Growth Marketing, Operations & Technology

Customer Success

Instana generated 6M in open opportunities with 95% target account list penetration rate.

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Customer Success

Tenable partners with Integrate to provide a seamless journey for their customers.

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Engage an Expert

Ready to prove demand business value in months?


Leading marketing teams from client companies such as Salesforce, Dell, and Avaya are experiencing a 5X-17X return on investment within the first year, with the largest clients seeing over 20X returns. Ready to see how?

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Resources for Success


Prevent Revenue Loss & “Opt-in” for Success: Strategies for Building a Marketable Database

Watch Now


Webinar: How ZoomInfo Leverages Intent Data to Fuel Marketing Plays

Watch Webinar


Buying Group Marketing: 4 Keys to Driving Pipeline

Watch Webinar

Connect, Govern, and Measure Your Leads for Unprecedented Demand ROI

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